We have all heard that buying local foods is good for the environment and that organic products are good for our health, but there are many other ways that you can go local and organic!  Here are some great tips on finding both local and organic foods, as well as other products.

Visit your local farmers market.  Most communities offer at least a monthly market, and talking to farmers is a great way to learn about the benefits of buying seasonal produce.

Look for local and organic produce in your local supermarket.  If they don't carry a wide selection, expressing an interest in these products may get your grocer to purchase them.

Organics and local produce are definitely more expensive.  But there are a number of organic food brands on the market which make purchasing all organic foods easier and cheaper.

Purchasing organic and local meat, poultry, and eggs is a great way to support the ethical treatment of animals, sustainable farming methods, and the environment.  They taste great, too!

There are a growing number of lines of cosmetics and toiletry products that are made using organic products.  Sometimes you can even find organic products that are made by local producers.

If you have a garden on your property then consider going all organic.  Using organic gardening methods for both foods and flowers is a great way to learn more about your plants, and is good for the earth they call home.

When purchasing new clothes, look for fabrics made of organic materials such as organic cotton.  Try to only purchase items that were made here at home as well.  It helps support both the planet and the local economy.